Sunday, June 24, 2012

Friday 5's

My friends from Friday 5's presenting me with my very own Scotland strip (jersey) on the last Friday
When people ask me what I'll miss the most about St. Columba's, the first thing that always comes to mind are my Friday afternoon football games. Friday 5's were always something to look forward to and a great way to burn off any remaining energy at the end of the week. Not having grown up playing football (soccer) my whole life I felt a bit anxious at the start, but everyone was always encouraging and fun to play with. The games were always hard fought and competitive, without being taken too seriously.

My Friday 5's group (not all of which are pictured above) were also the core group of teachers I would eat lunch with each day. I can remember sitting in the lunch room at the start of the year, trying desperately to keep up with what everyone was saying (thick accents and speedy conversations). Over time my American ears adjusted and now I can almost keep up with all the different words for "lousy weather". It was through these daily conversations and stories that I learned so much about Scotland, and shared countless laughs. As I think about this whole experience, it's the friendships I have made with the staff that will be the hardest part about leaving. Also the fish and chips.

Some members of the staff took me out for paintball as a special goodbye. The flyer in the staff room said the outing was going to get me ready for my return to America, where I would be getting shot at.

Now for the last week of school......

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