Friday, April 27, 2012

Ironbridge to Stonehenge

100 feet long, this cast-iron bridge was built in 1770
On our way to Stonehenge we drove through Ironbridge, along the River Severn in Shropshire, England. This area is known as the "birthplace of the Industrial Revolution". Ironbridge is home to the first iron bridge, (you might have figured that one out on your own) and is surrounded by many historical sites from this era. 
View from the middle of the bridge back towards town
There are nine museums in the Ironbridge Gorge area, and we decided to spend some time at the Blists Hill Victorian Town. Similar to the Ulster Folk Park, you step back in time and see how people lived during the 19th century in this area. We really enjoyed our time here, visiting with local craftspeople, trying our hand at candle-making, using Victorian-era money, and eating authentic food.
Approaching the Victorian Town
Ainsley at the candle-making station.
Will visiting with Casey the horse
The candle-maker shop. We had a fascinating visit and learned that the local candle-maker was a usually a rich man. A low overhead for a product that everyone wanted and needed frequently. The downside was the horrible smell in the shop as animal fat was used for wax.
Piglets near the farmhouse
The Victorian Village gave you  great feel for life in this time. There were many costumed people throughout the town who would tell you about their life or engage with each other. In fact, the town constable peddled up to the farmer and said "good morning farmer John, taking care of September's bacon?" Oooh, poor little piglets. Within the town we visited a locksmith, blacksmith, wood carver, leather worker, plaster maker, printer, and baker and learned about their work. We stood in a long line for fresh from the oven hot-cross buns and gingerbread bunnies.
Large pile of coking coal for the furnaces
Some locals from Blists Hill
Remnants of some blast furnaces for making iron.
Ainsley and Will trying some of the Victorian amusement games
Little house we passed along the way to Stonehenge
Not something you usually need to watch out for!

After a scenic drive through the countryside we came upon Stonehenge and couldn't believe our eyes. It's fun to see something that you've seen in pictures your whole life, and suddenly you're standing right in front of it. We walked around for about an hour and checked it out from all angles.

The bubbles bought us a bit more time to wander the grounds.

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