Monday, November 28, 2011


I mentioned a few posts back that we have come across new words and phrases during our time in Scotland. Possibly our favorite is "unlucky". I noticed this one back in August when Will had his first football game. A player would take a shot on goal, only to be stopped by the goalie, and at least one person would call out "unlucky!". The interesting thing is that this expression would also be used if someone fell on their face with nobody around- "ooh, unlucky". It seems to be primarily a sports-related phrase however. We don't see people at the market who find the last box of Crunchy Nut cereal gone, suddenly sigh and say "unlucky!". Needless to say, we have adopted this phrase for all parts of our life here in Scotland. Got soaked on the way home? Students a bit obnoxious today? Wii out of batteries? Sprained ankle? That's right- "unlucky!" As you can see from the picture, I had a little setback this week. I play football on Wednesday nights and Friday afternoons after school. Unfortunately, this past Wednesday night,  my body went one way, and my ankle turned the other. A few days of elevation and ice has got me on the mend, but I have most certainly been "unlucky!".

1 comment:

  1. feel better. at least you didn't break your ankle like Alejandro did. I won't teach him that phrase though because I'm afraid he'd apply it to every aspect of his daily life. Maybe it's good we are not British.
