Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Irn Bru

I recently asked my students on the first day of school, "what is the one thing I need to do/try/visit during my year in Scotland". The answer given the most was "drink Irn Bru". Hard to imagine that so many teenagers thought this was the single most important thing to do in Scotland, but what the heck. So, since Irn Bru seems to be the national drink of Scottish teenagers, I went and bought a bottle at the local Tesco market.

How to describe Irn Bru? My first thought was that it was a mix of semi-flat diet orange soda, liquid bubblegum, and paint thinner. I have heard its an acquired taste, but I'm not sure my teeth or stomach have the strength to take on this challenge. In case you're wondering, trying haggis was also a popular response, and I have yet to try it.


  1. My students told me the same thing! I have not tried it yet. Good for you.

  2. So, did you take the plunge and try it? You only live once. Just don't do it in front of anyone in case you need to get rid of it quickly.
